Or something like that. I've been trying to catch up on my fav blogs before I could get myself to update my own. Let's see... work (real estate) has been extremely busy. All dull stuff, except for last week when one of my co-workers whispered to me how his wife told him about the KFC Oprah link online. You woulda thought this was like Top Secret info that would self destructed in 5 seconds. Well, after dude went to KFC and got him some free grill' chick'n, he decided he would be Mr. Nice Guy and let the rest of the office in on the little secret.
HOLY SHIT! I have NEVER in my ENTIRE EXISTENCE seen any adult work their keyboards, computers and printers with such determination, such tenacity. You would have thought their lives depended on printing these damn coupons! What nearly had me pissing my pants though was when their printers weren't printing the coupons quick enough, which of course, had them hitting the print button over and over and over and over and (you get the idea). They were on the phone calling their real estate friends and significant others, "Honey, KFC is giving away free grilled chicken. I'm printing the coupons now!" And when their coupons wouldn't print... well SHIT!!!! NOW WHAT, BARB?!?!?! They all started calling the receptionist (who just turned 21 and "by golly, Susan, SHE will know how to print our KFC coupons!!!") all in a panic, "HELP!!!"
A few days later I happen to catch the morning news that people were rioting over KFC running out of chicken. RIOTING?!?!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Good lord, peeps... get a life!
Yup, that's the highlight of my work life. On a brighter note, "The Man" is supposed to roll out a policy that will allow anyone who buys a primary residence (single-family home or condo, makes no difference) to use that $8,000 tax credit towards their down payment for 2009 purchases. If you bought in 2008 and didn't use that tax credit you should seriously have someone amend your tax return so you can use it... but remember, it's basically a low interest loan from "The Man."
Another real estate related brighter note is there's a new program
Making Home Affordable to help homeowner's modify their current loan payments/terms to new affordable monthly payments. It's new, so I'm sure there are still kinks to work out. I just called today for a Bank of America borrower, so I'll keep you posted. BUT, an actual PERSON ANSWERS on, like, the first or 2nd ring!! NO JOKE!!

BABY UPDATE: I had the ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and found out I wasn't as far along as the doc thought, AND that it's a boy. I was gonna name him
Jackie Chan since he was moving a lot, AND I kinda look Asian-ish with a Hispanic kick, and because I think I have MAD karate skills, but then none of that makes sense because it's not the same ethnic stuff and well... whatever, I lost myself too, but now Jackie Chan isn't moving as much as a couple weeks ago... so maybe I'll name him the opposite of Jackie Chan and
Speedy Gonzalez...

Either way, I'm about 19 or 20 weeks and Jackie Chan/
Slowpoke Rodriguez should look something like this:

My little bros band went on a mini-tour to Nevada, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico... but that Swine Flu caused his shows to get postponed for 2 weeks, so they just stayed in the States. I'm so jealous though because they were in Vegas the last couple of days, and tonight they're in San Diego.... Oh how I love me some San Diego...