Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Thought Technology was Supposed to Make Life Easier?

That is until something like a COPIER decides to stop feeding papers and you have to walk like a MILE down the hallway in 4 inch heels trying not to break your ankle or your ass while still looking cute at the office every 5 minutes to see if the paper jam you just cleared allowed the 20 billion print jobs to go through. Damn copier!


  1. It reminds me of the scene from office space, when they take a bat to the fax machine. Office equipment always bites.

  2. Gotta love it don't ya? And where does that jammed paper go anyway?

  3. LOL Love the pic. Oh how I hate copiers and as for the 4 inch heels I am afraid I wouldn't have looked so cute beating the copier with one or both =P

  4. I am afraid I still have to clear jammed paper in copiers and printers to this day. What gives???
