Since this lovely economy has afforded me the freedom of, well, freedom from a hectic work schedule, I decided early on to embrace it and start doing things "I've always wanted to do." One of those "things" was to participate in the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco. The race is about 7 miles, and starts near the Embarcadero (the Bay), throught the streets of SF, and then through Golden Gate Park ending at Ocean Beach (the Break = Breakers). I registered our family (Francisco, the 3 kids and myself) for the event a couple days before, so we could LEGALLY participate. Two-hundred plus buckaroos later, we were in.
This race, along with its serious runners, is more like a Bay Area tradition of a costumed parade/party. Not wanting to get heckled by the crowd or "runners", we decided to go in costume... we went as Sports Fans. Yeah, boring, but we couldn't all agree on a group costume, and I was the only one interested in dressing up in REAL costumes. Majority rules.
It took us forever to finish the race. Mainly because we stuck with the partiers, not knowing we should have been with the regular joggers/walkers, but also because we had the baby in a stroller and Francisco had to keep making bathroom stops. Although I had fun, the rest of my family was not amused. Needless to say, I will be doing Bay to Breakers alone next year. Haha!