I get the "stares" now. The "stares", people. This is HORRIBLE. I just want to yell out, "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant, you bastard!" So, yeah, this is the month that I wish would just speed by so I can look like I'm obviously pregnant and not like I don't know how to dress in my size. Oh well, time to give in and go shopping. Weather is MUCH nicer now, so I can get away with wearing the cute summer tops and dresses.
This is what my kid should look like right about now:

Still looks alienish.
Work is going good. Showing houses to renters and buyer's everyday. Today and tomorrow are my day off. Tried not to set any appointments for this weekend since my kids are with their father, and I get the house to myself. I've been in bed all morning. But after this post, I gotta head out and donate a bunch of stuff to declutter this place.
Beautiful weather for the next few days. Yesterday was in the high 70s with a nice Delta breeze. Going to enjoy this weather as much as I possibly can :)
My daughter has her first Driver Training class on the road today. She was nervous, but I kept telling her she'd do fine and in order to get what she ulitimately wants, she needs to take this first step. I'm expecting a phone call from her with her experience shortly - haha!
I'm DYING for a glass of wine and some sushi. No, really, I am REALLY, TRULY dying here!!! Or an ice cold glass of Hef or Sam Adams. 5 more months to go.