Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don't Speak

"... I know the words you're sayin, so please stop explainin'..." (No Doubt lyrics. I think in music.) I lost my voice. Bah humbug. Haven't had a voice since late Wednesday night. My older step-brother, Jorge, played an acoustic set at the little wine bar I like to go to. Their Facebook page announced they were having auditions every Wednesday for the month of January to book musicians at their upcoming Live Music weekend events. My brother was able to spread the word to enough friends that lived locally at attend his set... and drink wine, of course.

There was a pretty good crowd there for a weekday evening. His set was only supposed to be 2 songs, but the positive crowd feedback allowed him to play about 9 songs that night. He sang some of his original work, written in Spanish and English. There were some Creedence Clearwater covers thrown in there as well. I was really proud of my brother. :)

The wine bar booked him for one of their events. We promised to pack the house. Looking forward to a fun night with my bro and old friends. Now let's see if I can figure out how to embed a YouTube video of him on here...

Well, THAT didn't work. Let's try this again...

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