Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's a Nice Day for a White Wedding's a nice day to start again... Oh, Billy Idol, you were so right.

About 3 days ago, I would have been celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary. Crazy. The legal issues with the ex have been resolved for now. Work is crazy busy with all these buyers, but it means absolutely nothing since I cannot seem to get anyone into a home right now. My only paychecks this year have been with securing tenants in rentals. Huge difference in pay, but a client is a client to me. They still need a home to live in, and I will still help them.

School is not going as well as last semester. I only signed up for one course, Art History. Learning about Renaissance and Medieval stuff. It's a real interesting class on the architecture and Christian religion. I wish I had the time that I was able to dedicate to class like last semester. I am horrible at time management this time around.

Earlier this year I made a Vision Board. Typical stuff: lose 10 pounds, take a vacation, buy a new car, other various trips. I think I've accomplished 3 of them so far.

Lots of changes in life these last 4 or 5 months. I'm pretty open with my friends, but I think some people are taking that too far and thinking they have a say in my decisions. No mas! I'm stressing about living up to the expectations people have of me, rather than about doing what I think is right for myself. It's time for me to start enforcing boundaries and being less open if people can't keep their ideas of how I should be living my life to themselves.

And with that I am off to finish my work, complete my homework before class on Monday, and maybe just MAYBE spend some time with my kids before the sun sets again...